Liverpool Head & Neck Centre

Clinical Nurse Specialist

For information and support regarding your disease, treatment, social problems and any general concerns please contact us:

  • Sally Lane: 0151 529 5256 (Direct Line) or 0151 525 5980 Bleep 2023

  • Terence Lefebure: 0151 529 5256 (Direct Line)

  • Lesley Dempsey: 0151 529 5256 (Direct Line) or 0151 525 5980 Bleep 5018


What is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Head and Neck (CNS)?

CNS working within the Cancer field, provide support and information to people with cancer and their families and carers. They aim to see patients from the point of diagnosis and throughout their treatment

A diagnosis of cancer is very upsetting and frightening for you and your loved ones. We are therefore available to talk to you about your feelings, worries and concerns and try and answer any questions you may have.

We are also available to discuss your diagnosis and treatment plan to help you understand what is happening at each stage of your care.

What do we do?

Based in the hospital we work very closely with all members of the Head and Neck Team who will be looking after you, but also with your GP and community team. These include doctors, nurses, dieticians, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Meeting new people when you are under stress can be confusing but we act as link between them and can also explain their roles. Throughout the region there are Clinical Nurse Specialists available to support you locally close to your home, ask for their contact details if you have not already met them.

There is also an Outreach service for any Head and Neck Cancer patients with complex needs in the community.  This includes airway management and complex wound care; this can be a visit with patient and family but also includes training for Community Nurses and Nursing Home staff.

We can also put you in contact with Welfare Rights Services to help with benefits advice. Please do not be embarrassed to ask us for information about financial support.

We normally try and visit the wards daily for ongoing reviews and are involved in making sure that when your treatment is complete, that you have a safe and supportive place to go home to. When it is time for you to go home we work closely with the Discharge Planning Team and communicate with District Nurses, GP's and Social Services.

We also can put you in touch with various support groups and agencies which can help you.

How do I arrange to see a CNS Head and Neck?

Normally your first contact with them will be made in the outpatients clinic at the time of diagnosis. If the CNS is not in clinic a contact telephone number will be given for you to ring.
Any member of the Head and Neck Team can refer you or you can refer yourself at any time of your treatment and recovery. Many patients like to stay in contact with the CNS even when they have been discharged by the medical staff.

How do I contact the CNS?

Usually you will meet one of the CNS's in outpatients when you are first told about your diagnosis and treatment. Any member of the Head and Neck Team can refer you or you can refer yourself at any point of treatment.

What if I have any problems or need help?

When you are at home, if you experience any symptoms or are just worried you can contact us directly. We can help sort them out for you, or if we cannot direct you to the right person.

Help line Number:  0151 529 5256

We work between the hours of 8 am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. We cover Outpatient clinics at Aintree. One of us though is usually available in the hospital at all times. We can offer telephone support, or if you would like to meet face to face can be booked into the Nurse Led Clinic sessions.