Monday 17th - Friday 21st March 2025
Head & Neck Reconstructive Surgery is a complex and highly technically challenging field central to effective management of oncologic and other defects. This is the only UK practical and theoretical microvascular course designed solely for, led by, and taught by head & neck surgeons
This practical microvascular training course, now in its 33rd year, takes place in a new purpose-built facility. It integrates over 30 hours of hands-on surgery using a live femoral and epigastric vessel model with 15 hours of tutorials and lectures.
Course Date: 17th – 21st March 2025
Venue: University of Liverpool
Course Director: Professor Richard Shaw & Professor Andrew Schache, OMFS, Aintree University Hospital and University of Liverpool
Strictly limited to 10 delegate per course
Early Bird Rate: £1800
(£2000 after 1st Feb 2025)
*The course is included in the EACMFS Educational Rolling Programme. After the course, a refund of 300 euros is available for each EACMFS Trainee Member attending this course. Please note that EACMFS membership of at least one year is required and only one application for an award, scholarship or grant is permitted each calendar year. Contact Essie Winer for EACMFS refund – ewiner@eacmfs.org
Practical techniques
Use of microscope & micro instruments
Suture handling & knots
End-to-end venous couplers
End-to-end artery & vein
End-to-side artery & vein
Venous coupler
Avoiding complications
Flap monitoring
Perforator & chimeric flaps
Composite flaps
DCIA & Scapula
Reconstruction of mandible, maxilla and laryngopharynx
All Home Office Licenses
All instruments, sutures and consumables
Breakfast, refreshments & lunch provided Monday – Friday
Course dinner at a top Liverpool Restaurant
WBA signed up to ISCP
National & International Faculty
Faculty of five head & neck microvascular surgeons from a range of UK OMFS departments provide excellent faculty/delegate ratio
Hotel at delegates’ expense, although several reasonable options can be recommended
32 CME Credits & Certificate
Debbie Horne, LHNC Centre Manager LHNCCourses@liverpool.ac.uk
Tuesday 29th - Wednesday 30th April 2025
This unique course is tailored to ENT doctors (Core Surgical Trainees, ST1 - ST7, Staff Grades, Associate Specialists, Clinical Fellows) who need training with nasal endoscopy, proper instrument handling and be equipped with the necessary building blocks to undertake endoscopic sinus surgery with finesse.
The course aims to enhance existing competencies with particular emphasis on safe surgery for the maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. Unlike other courses, advanced frontal sinus (e.g. drillout) and endoscopic skull base surgery techniques are not covered in this course. Thus, the programme provides ample time for paced, structured learning as well as close interaction with experienced faculty to achieve professional development goals necessary for all ENT trainees and generalists.
The course programme is mapped to the ISCP curriculum and includes up to 10 hours in the laboratory. Delegates will have an assigned trainer throughout the course and are expected to be assessed against relevant endoscopic sinus surgery simulated PBAs on the ISCP curriculum. Surgical dissection will be undertaken on PHACON Sinus models in the state-of-the-art Karl Storz Training Centre.
To find out more about these bespoke models, click here. The course is limited to 14 hands-on spaces and due to the unique nature of this course, early registration is recommended.
Key features
One dissector per work station
Work stations equipped with high-definition camera, endoscope and microdebrider
Each model provides two nasal sides for practice
ENTUK CPD credits - Day 1 – 8 CPD points Day 2 – 9 CPD points
Course fee:
Hands-on dissector £650
Course fee includes refreshments and lunch on both days. Hotel charges are not included -
Any enquires please email LHNC Manager Debbie Horne LHNCcourses@liverpool.ac.uk
Friday 9th May 2025
ADAM’s ethos is to prevent critical incidents arising during airway management by scrupulously avoiding preventable problems attributable to the patient, equipment and/or anaesthetist. Tutorials, clinical videos, case-based discussions, high-fidelity simulation and workshops during the day provide a comprehensive, hands-on experience to the management of the difficult airway, all delivered by our supportive and expert faculty.
Sessions Include:
• ADAM approach to the difficult airway including best plan selection
• Patient assessment
• Awake Tracheal Intubation
• Bonfils Intubation
• Combined Video Laryngoscope and Fiberscope
• Front of Neck Access with animal tissue models
• Apnoeic Oxygenation (THRIVE)
• Management of neck trauma
Course Fees:
Consultants, Associate Specialists & Speciality doctors £130
Trainees ST4+ £80
ODPs £40
Additional Information
Location - Centre for Simulation, Aintree Hospital, Liverpool, L9 7AL
Course timings - 0800 – 1730
Food and Refreshments are provided throughout the day at the various breaks. Dietary requirements are catered for if stated on booking.
Course leaders
Course Director – Dr Pete Groom
Course Organisers - Dr Lareina Amarasekara, Dr Ellie Quilliam, Dr Sam Forryan, Dr Clare Buffery, Dr Alex Malin
Debbie Horne, LHNC Centre Manager, LHNCCourses@liverpool.ac.uk
Liverpool Nasolacrimal and Orbital Dissection Course
Monday 8th - Tuesday 9th September 2025
The ENT Departments at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and the Liverpool Head and Neck Centre are hosting a two-day hands-on cadaveric dissection course aimed at Otolaryngology (ENT) and Ophthalmology higher surgical trainees (ST5-ST8), senior fellows and consultants looking to improve their understanding and surgical skills in joint ENT/ophthalmology nasolacrimal and orbital surgeries.
The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive applied anatomy overview and essential surgical skills in external and transnasal endoscopic approaches. This unique course has been designed to optimise cross-pollination of skill sets across both surgical subspecialties and will especially be useful to those with special interest in rhinology and oculoplastics.
The course consists of half day tutorials on the first day followed by an all-day supervised hands-on dissection on Thiel embalmed cadavers with fully equipped work stations at the state-of-the-art Human Anatomy Resource Centre (HARC) at the University of Liverpool.
Supported by experienced ENT and oculoplastic surgeons, topics will include surgeries for epiphora including DCR, orbital abscess drainage, management of ethmoidal artery haemorrhage, retrocaruncular approach and orbital decompression.
The course is limited to 14 dissectors (2 dissectors per Thiel cadaver) and 7 observers. Early booking is advised.
Course fee: £800 for dissectors, £300 for observers
Course fees include refreshments, lunch and a course dinner on Monday 8th September 2025
Key features:Useful for those with special interest in rhinology and oculoplastics
Fully equipped work stations for endoscopic and external approaches
Hands on dissection supervised by ENT and ophthalmology surgeons
Limited to 14 dissectors (2 dissectors per specimen) and 7 observers
Further information available at the course website
Debbie Horne, LHNC Centre Manager, LHNCCourses@liverpool.ac.uk
The Liverpool Advanced FESS Course
Wednesday 10th September 2025 - Friday 12th September 2025
This course builds on the foundations laid at the Sinus Anatomy and Surgery Instructional Course and is therefore a seamless transition for those who have previously attended the basic course. The Advanced FESS Course is tailored to ENT doctors (ST6 - ST8, Speciality Doctors, Associate Specialists, Senior Clinical Fellows) who are at the latter part of their training or require training in more advanced endoscopic sinus procedures. The course programme is designed to be clinically-focused and is aligned to the ISCP ENT curriculum.
The course aims to enhance existing competencies with particular emphasis on safe techniques in endoscopic sinus surgery. The surgical concepts of the Full-House FESS will be taught, as will peri-operative management to optimise clinical outcomes. In addition, the course programme will include CSF leak repair, introduction to frontal sinus surgery and management of intra-operative complications. Unlike other courses, the CSF leak module simulates an active leak thereby enhancing the realism of this training module.
The course programme is mapped to the ISCP curriculum and includes up to 14 hours in the laboratory. Delegates will have assigned trainers throughout the course and are expected to be assessed against relevant endoscopic sinus surgery simulated PBAs on the ISCP curriculum. The programme provides ample time for paced, structured learning as well as close interaction with experienced faculty to achieve professional development goals necessary for all senior ENT trainees and generalists.
Surgical dissection will be undertaken on Fusetec 3-D printed models in the state-of-the-art Human Anatomy and Resource Centre of the University of Liverpool.
The course is limited to 30 hands-on spaces and due to the unique nature of this course, early registration is recommended.
Key features
Workstations equipped with high-definition camera, endoscope and microdebrider
Two training models per workstation
One training model (i.e. two sinonasal sides) per delegate
Active CSF leak model!
ENTUK CPD credits (TBC)
Course Fee Hands-on dissector £850 (Early bird fee); £950 (after 31/03/2025)
Course fee includes refreshments and lunch on both days. Hotel charges are not includedFor full details of the course please go to: https://sites.google.com/view/liverpoolfesscourse/home
Debbie Horne, LHNC Centre Manager LHNCCourses@liverpool.ac.uk
The Liverpool Hands-On Transoral Laser Microsurgery for Head & Neck Cancer Course
Tuesday 9th – Wednesday 10th September 2025
The Liverpool Head and Neck Centre is proud to host an intensive two-day course which aims to provide an in-depth theoretical and practical overview of transoral laser treatment for tumours of the larynx and pharynx. This course is suitable for consultants and higher surgical trainees in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
This course will teach participants transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) using the CO2 laser on Thiel soft-fix cadaveric specimens. Participants will be taught TLM techniques for cancers of the glottic larynx, supraglottic larynx, tonsil, base of tongue and hypopharynx using a variety of laryngoscopes and high powered microscopes with the CO2 laser micro-manipulators. There will be 2 dissectors per Thiel cadaver.
This course will consist of lectures and expert panel discussions on the first day, while the second day focuses on instructional sessions and supervised cadaver dissection. The course will be held at the Human Anatomy Resource Centre at the University of Liverpool.
The course fee is £1100 for dissectors, and £400 for observers (includes Medical Laser Safety Training certificate, refreshments, lunch and a course dinner on Tuesday 9th September).
The course is limited to 10 dissectors and 10 observers, and early booking is advised.
Full course information, including programme, can be found at the course website below
Feedback from previous courses
"Excellent faculty to delegate ratio"
"Interesting clinical discussions"
"Fantastic course, faculty were all extremely approachable and engaging and clearly experts in their field. The faculty ratio of 1:1 made for a much higher yield learning environment and really helped me get to grips with the nuances of the various procedure. Excellent facilities also and being able to see what my dissection partner was doing on a large screen meant I could also learn from what they were doing"
"Candidate to faculty ratio was excellent. All the faculty were extremely knowledgeable and were able to answer questions with reference to clinical practice and their prior experience. The venue was extremely well equipped and being able to see the microscope view on a large screen meant I could learn from my dissection partner"
The Liverpool Head & Neck Dissection Course
Thursday 11th - Friday 12th September 2025
The Liverpool Head and Neck Centre is proud to host a two-day intensive hands-on course aimed at trainees in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic Surgery. The course includes instructional sessions, supervised cadaver dissection and expert panel discussions.
The course will be delivered at Human Anatomy Resource Centre state-of-the-art facilities at the University of Liverpool. Under the direction and supervision of expert tutors, delegates will have the opportunity to revise anatomy and become better equipped to perform head and neck surgical interventions to a high standard. The focus will be on maximum hands-on dissection time to allow delegates to consolidate previously acquired skills and refine their operative technique. Dissectors will be able to have work-based assessments completed for the procedures covered. There will be 2 dissectors per Thiel soft-fix cadaver.
The course fee is £750 for dissectors, and £350 for observers (includes refreshments, lunch and a course dinner on Thursday 11th September).
The course is limited to 16 dissectors and 8 observers, and early booking is advised.
Full course information, including programme, can be found at the course website below
Topics covered:
Submandibular gland excision
Partial/total parotidectomy
Neck dissection
Total laryngectomy
Primary puncture and surgical voice restoration
Pectoralis major flaps
Sternotomy & mediastinal vascular anatomy
Feedback from previous courses
"Well run, engaged faculty"
"The course is very much practical-oriented, updated with immediate positive effect in everyday work"
"Excellent course. High faculty number and a very social atmosphere."
"Excellent course for the budding head and neck surgeons"
"Incredible course, will change my day-to-day practice and has given me increased operating confidence."
"This was an extremely high yield training course and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to attend. I will definitely be attending future courses with the team."
"Excellent course, well run, great consultant teaching and ratios, excellent catering and course dinner - cannot fault it at all great value for money"
"A thoroughly well organised and delivered course. A great emphasis on hands on dissection. The faculty were very good educators and explained the procedures brilliantly. Would highly recommend this course to others."
"Very well supported with faculty and individual attention was much appreciated throughout both days to maximise the use of the time."
The Liverpool Advanced Head & Neck Reconstruction Course
Monday 13th October 2025 - Thursday 16th October 2025
Liverpool Temporal Bone Microscopic and Endoscopic Dissection
Tuesday 11th November 2025 - Thursday 13th November 2025
This three day course, held in the Human Anatomy Resource Centre of the University of Liverpool is suitable for higher surgical trainees (ST3 or above or fellowship trainees) in Otolaryngology, although other grades are welcome. This course emphasis will be on hands on open, endoscopic and microscopic dissection and practical teaching including an introduction to endoscopic ear anatomy/surgery.
Progression through the dissection will be performed under close supervision of trainers and paced at an appropriate level to the participant, with a high tutor to delegate ratio. The course manual has been adapted to assess progress and acquisition of competency. The extent of dissection, and other ancillary procedures, carried out by each individual trainee will be tailored to their level of experience. Each participant is supplied with TWO cadaveric half heads (One Theil for life like tissues and one Formalin fixed) enabling practice on soft tissue and extended approaches to the lateral skull base.
Spaces are limited to ten delegates. Early booking is advised. There will be training on all aspects of hearing implantation including Cochlear Implants, Middle Ear Implants, Bone Bridge and BAHA.
The programme will include:
Two half heads per delegate (1 Theil, 1 Formalin Fixed)
Endocopic ear anatomy/surgery
Posterior tympanotomy
Anterior tympanotomy
Stapedotomy +/- Laser
Modified radical mastoidectomy
Translabyrinthine approach to the internal auditory meatus
Facial nerve decompression
Middle Ear Implants
Cochlear Implants
BAHA/Bone- Bridge Implants
Course venue:
Human Anatomy Resource Centre
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 3GE
United Kingdom
Course Fees: £900
Debbie Horne LHNC Centre Manager, LHNCCourses@liverpool.ac.uk