Conditions treated:
Clefts of the lip and/or palate
Primary surgical repair
Secondary speech surgery
Alveolar bone grafting
Cleft orthognathic surgery
Lip and nose revisional surgery (cleft rhinoplasty)
Non-cleft velopharyngeal insufficiency
We are currently part of The Cleft Collective Cohort Studies - a large DNA backed prospective resource for the study of the genetic and environmental determinants of cleft lip and/or palate and the long-term outcomes in children with cleft lip and/or palate.
Clinicians involved:
Cleft Nurses: Louise Hall, Maria Smith, Kathryn Wolstencroft,
Cleft Psychologists: Zoe Edwards, Dani Osler
Cleft Surgeons: Simon van Eeden, Chris Sweet
Cleft speech and language therapists: Siobhan McMahon, Suzanne Wood, Kathryn Da-Costa-Greaves, Claudine Milligan
Cleft Orthodontists: Susana Dominguez-Gonzalez, Madhavi Seshu
Cleft Paediatric Dentist: Joanna May